Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marine Corps Marathon, Here I Come!!

Team Red, White and Blue
I got into the Marine Corps Marathon (MCM)!! I didn't even have to wait to do registration with the masses at 10am MDT/12 noon EDT. I just happened to be emailing the New Mexico/Albuquerque chapter leader of Team Red, White and Blue and he just happened to know about a program working with Team RWB/Wounded Warriors/NATO that would get me a guaranteed entry. This was at about 7:30 or so last night. Final emails went out to the national headquarters for Team RWB and I heard back at about 7:30am today that I was in! While I do not know all the details yet (I'll just do whatever they want me to do, short of stripping to my skivvies) because I owe it to them and because I am proud to be a vet representing Team RWB.

I didn't find out about the program until early yesterday evening. There was a flurry of emails and a touch of serendipity to find out about the program because my only real question was if he knew of any other Team RWB members from NM who were planning to do MCM. Then he came up with this pleasant bombshell.

MCM has been on my radar since I started running. I plan to do all official races for any of the services that I can find. I couldn't do the Air Force Marathon this year, but it's on my list for 2014. I don't think I've been this happy about getting into a race since I signed up for my first half marathon in 2012 or my first full marathon at Bataan.

I'll be wearing the eagle proudly at MCM. It's our turn as veterans, as civilians, as people who care what happens to our troops to support them in any way possible even if it's as simple as running a race. Go out there be proud of our active duty folks and veterans. I'm one of them and my husband is one as well...we both wear the Eagle proudly!


  1. I will see you there as both a MCM participant and RWB team member, I look forward to meeting you :-)


  2. Looking forward to meeting you too Harold! Are you staying at the Westin - Arlington? I was told that our meetings will be there...already made reservations! lol!
