Our next stop was the Titanic exhibit. Unfortunately, we were unable to take pictures at all as that was part of the agreement with the exhibitors. What was cool that they actually had an iceberg (real or mechanically made) that you could touch to see how cold the real one was...brrrr! The items for display were cool, but I really wish they had had more of them. One thing that really got me was that as you entered they gave you a random card with information about a real passenger. At the end of the exhibit, there were lists of those lost and those saved. You were to find your persons name to find out if they survived or not. My person was a little girl who survived but her father did not (see the identifying card below). There was no mention of a mother/wife or siblings). Also as you entered you got a photo take on the false front end of a ship (a la Jack and Rose in Titanic)and at the end of the exhibit in the gift shop you could see the picture and purchase it if you wanted. I saw ours and immediately headed for the exit...I hate how most of those pictures come out.
The next stop was Heart & Sole Sports. I really just wanted to go there to buy some #RunNow for Boston silicone wristbands but they were out. Instead I started trying on shoes, I know...bad idea, that included Hoka One Bondis which felt too strange to me, Brooks Dyad 7's (which I ended up getting), Brooks Ghost 6 which were my second choice and one other pair that I can't remember that I couldn't even put my foot in with my custom orthotics. So again I dropped hints to the husband and again he ignored them (can't say I didn't try)! So I ended up buying the Dyad's and some iBungee laces (have to find a different color to match my new Dyad's) for my Rides and we were done. They had sold out of the wristbands...the real reason I had decided to stop there! Ugh!
We stopped at Coronado Mall briefly to see if I could find a different cover for my Note 2, one that had a backside that you could open and store a couple of bucks or a couple of cards but it looks like the only way I'll be able to do that is to order through eBay. While we were there I had a craving for a drink and so we stopped at Keva Juice (similar to Jamba Juice) to get some smoothies.
Pier/deck block for dragging behind on a chain/rope, I'm planning on pulling 2 at a time.. |
This trip was supposed to be a quick out and back trip but as you can see even the best laid plans don't always work...especially where running is involved! :)
I was supposed to be on the road on a run an hour ago but I'm postponing it until I eat so I don't bonk during an 8-10 run like I did on Thurdsay and I still need to wake up the old man so he can do his 6 mile run. So, with that said, I bid you adieu as I eat or procrastinate some more...whichever comes first!! LOL!
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